Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Exercise - Panning with different shutter speeds
Worked on the exercise, panning on a moving object with different shutter speeds. This took a while for me to work on as was not sure what subject matter to use. Rowan did make a good model though and produced some interesting pictures. I particularly like the slower shutter speeds where her pink jeans become a blur, especially in the seventh picture shown.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Exercise - Fitting the Frame to the Subject
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Exercise - Object in different positions in the frame
I have managed to do a few more photos today after a rather hectic week. This was on the exercise - Object in different positions in the frame. I used a pool table as this gave a nice large, even background. My favourite one was the one that is in the centre of the picture, then the one with it slightly to the left, then the one with it at the top of the frame and my least favourite one being the one with the ball at the far left corner of the frame. I personally think the first one works well, with the ball in the centre as the punctured frame works well.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Exercise - Shutter Speeds - cameras with a manual option
Monday, 19 July 2010
the recommended Reading. I bought a square base at the weekend and will fill it win water and put in some food dye. with a White reflector behind it and a strong light it should look good. got a par 38 spotlight from my dad at the weekend which I have ordered a bulb for. could be interesting using gels on it. looking at uploading the res of the pics using pic resizer which should make it easier. starting to look upwards the assignment and will start working on next weekend.
look for glass beads and fake blood for model photoshoot
hand with eye on it and I see you written big brother pos
Monday, 12 July 2010
Move over from Xanga
Monday, 12 July 2010
Have decided to move to blogger as was struggling getting the photos on xanga. Looking at other peoples profiles they used Flickr as well for storing the images and then using blogger for referencing them. I will try this and see how it looks. Will also update the below blogs done on Xanga.
I have photos for a lot of the exercises to be posted up and will do that hopefully tomorrow.
Also looking at doing a photo of liquid going into a vase and seeing how that works.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
I am back at last, my laptop had a virus problem and has taken ages to fix, but back up and running now.
Below are the photos I used for the exercise : focus at different apertures.
I used f/36 for the first one which is the widest aperture of my camera, then f5/6 which is one of the lowest and f/16 for a middle base.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
The pictures were not done tonight as have been in conversations with two models that want photoshoots within in the next couple of weeks. One wants a Geisha / Audrey Hepburn style and another wants a Gothic / Fetish type shoot. Once I get the photos from these will be looking at submitting my photos to the SWPP for the Mentor Me program, in the aim of becoming a ASWPP and then to apply to RPS to become an ARPS.
I will aim to have the exercise photos up by the weekend and then start preparing for the assignment that has to be in Mid August.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
I decided to go for pictures of corn for the Exercise: Focus with a set aperture. The picture with the close up of the corn I feel is the most effective photo and the most visually interesting one. It easily draws your eyes to the point of interest and is visually pleasing. I do not like the other two as the point of interest is not easy to determine and they lose something, I would even say they look like photos that have been badly composed.
I need to retake the photos for the exercise Focus at different apertures and will try and complete it tomorrow.
Have read more of the Photography book and found myself disagreeing with some of the viewpoints of the author. Some of the photos I would not class some of the masterpieces and having hidden meanings that you have to read from the photo. I am a firm believer that a lot of great photos are done by accident and that people read things in them when it was never intended by the photographer. My viewpoint my change the further I get into the book but I am reserving judgement at the moment.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
The stair photo didn;t work out as well as expected so have come up with another idea where I will be doing a pathway through corn fields. Will post the photo on here later.
Will also be going to Hastings today briefly so will be taking photos for the exercises / projects
the photos will be uploaded tonight and comments made on them as needed.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
continuing Reading the photograph by graham Clarke. at the moment he is discussing the photograher lee friedlander. I have also looked at his images at www.artnet.com , I find them interesting and even starting to agree with some of graham Clarke analysis of the photos.
thinking about the photo I will be doing to tonight on depth of field I will be doing it shooting up stairs with toys on
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Read some more of the course book today and still struggling to read the photos as the author does. I hope it comes with practice. I will be taking more time in taking photos now so that everything is looked at within the image.
Spoke to the tutor today and agreed to send in first assignment in mid august.
Took three photos for the first exercise using the zoom lens and wide angle lens, I have posted these to the blog. Will be doing the project on focus tomorrow. Will be putting toys on the stairs and work on the focus. This was Alison's idea which I thought was very good. Here imagination for photos is amazing.
Unfortunately the model cannot make it for Saturday so hoping to re-schedule for 11th July. Should give me more time to scope out some suitable venues and get some more props.
My sister Nic has posted some more amazing photos to her group on facebook, going to have to improve a lot to get to her standard.
I am enjoying this course and can see it improving my photography. I just have to learn to not be afraid to try out new ideas and to do all the exercises instead of skipping over them.
have decided on st marys church and shorne wood for the modelshoot on sat.